My surprise wish fulfillment.
Having enjoyed our group’s earlier Frostgrave campaign, I once gleefully pre-ordered Stargrave as soon as it was available. Alas, when the book arrived the group’s interests had wandered elsewhere. I found myself shelving Stargrave after only a single solo game, but couldn’t resist buying and reading all its subsequent expansions over the years.
This January I moved to a house with a large garage which I could devote to hosting games. By March I had almost settled in enough to open “the War Room 2.0” to my friends, and I yearned to schedule a recurring game.
This yearning prompted me to survey my friends about their current game interests, and to my utter shock and delight Stargrave was among the top games!
Without hesitation I scheduled a game day in April. I would host one-off games to learn the flow of the game and beta test our Crew ideas ahead of a proper campaign.
I set up a handful of tables and we played three games of Stargrave over two days. Everyone enjoyed it enough to embark on a proper campaign, now well underway. We plan this as an open-ended campaign with no set schedule, something we can set down and come back to as our hobby and gaming passions fluctuate. I hope it lasts for years.
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