Tag: 28mm

  • Stargrave Crew: Fletcher’s Fetchers

    Stargrave Crew: Fletcher’s Fetchers

    A Stargrave crew long overdue I printed and painted a Stargrave crew a few years ago, and it occupied a shelf since then. When we kicked off our miraculous Stargrave campaign, I seized the chance to recall them to active duty. You may have seen some of them in my solo game write up, but…

  • Miraculous Stargrave Campaign

    Miraculous Stargrave Campaign

    My surprise wish fulfillment. Having enjoyed our group’s earlier Frostgrave campaign, I once gleefully pre-ordered Stargrave as soon as it was available. Alas, when the book arrived the group’s interests had wandered elsewhere. I found myself shelving Stargrave after only a single solo game, but couldn’t resist buying and reading all its subsequent expansions over…

  • Grimdark Future: Tech Moon Rising at Comrade’s Wargames

    Comrade Patrick returns with a great write-up of the other of our side-by-side games of Grimdark Future last week! Today’s Grimdark Future battle report (the next installment in The Cauldron, our ongoing grimdark/Inq28 themed narrative campaign) took place far from the glittering spires of Hive Sacrament on Gamma Euphorion Prime. While the miserable defenders of…

  • Welcome to the Pilgrimage District

    Welcome to the Pilgrimage District

    I wanted to play Inq28. I imagined a critical world cut off by the Great Rift, vulnerable, with imperial agents struggling alone to suppress heretical secessionists and other, darker influences. This would require terrain, so I built some. Pilgrimage District, Hive Sacrament, Gamma-Euphorion Prime During our group’s earlier campaigns, I created a subsector grappling with…

  • Vae Victis Swords for Hire: I like them

    I resolved to contribute to this blog every time I reach for my phone to browse Reddit — a shocking amount. Much of that work is still in draft because it discusses a surprise I’m working on for my local gaming group. Meanwhile, check out these minis I put together from the Swords for Hire…