Comrade Patrick offers another battle report, this time from our recent game of Open Combat.

John and I got together earlier this month for a quick midweek game of Open Combat. It was to be John’s first game; I had played Open Combat a few times over the last few years and found it to be an excellent rules-lite skirmish game for small scraps featuring 6-12 figures per side. The […]
Open Combat: Ambush at the Greenfire Portal
You know those models you paint because they look so cool, but you don’t have any idea what you’ll use them for afterward? Open Combat provides a cohesive, well-balanced game for using whatever fantasy models don’t see enough love on the table. This was exactly what I needed for my Wurmspat and Garruk’s Reavers WH Underworlds warbands.
Thanks Patrick for singing the ballad of our brutal clash!
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