Tag: speed painting

  • Nightwatch: Mystery at Heerselt Manor

    With our second Nightwatch mission coming up this weekend, I’d like to share this report from our first mission written by Comrade Patrick. I wrote a little about hobby prep for it here. During that game I realized our collection of beastmen antagonists could use more ranged attackers, so I printed and painted some lovely…

  • Airbrush speed painting bay horses

  • Speed painting Imperial Guard: Qirkirin AAT

    Speed painting Imperial Guard: Qirkirin AAT

    I came around to printing a Qirkirin Armored Assault Transport to shuttle my brave lads around the tabletop. It turned out well, so here’s how I did it. (Astute readers will notice I use this blog as the paint scheme journal I don’t keep otherwise.) Basic idea With this paint job I wanted to chase…

  • Speed painting Imperial Guard test models with oil paints

    Speed painting Imperial Guard test models with oil paints

    Inspiration Marco Frisoni mini painting tutorials get me excited to sit down and try things. When he tossed out a “this is already quite interesting” remark halfway through this week’s video on oil painting, I couldn’t help but think “you’re right Marco, I should speed paint an Imperial Guard army like this!” I’ve been orbiting…